


Παρουσιάζουμε το αναντικατάστατο και μοδάτο DRY SIFT THCP! Τα άνθη / λουλούδια αυτής της ρητίνης έχουν φιλτραριστεί τρεις φορές για να διατηρηθεί μόνο το καλύτερο, ενώ η υψηλή συγκέντρωση του τετραυδροκανναβιφόρολου εξασφαλίζει άμεση χαλάρωση.
Ποικιλία: Υβρίδιο
Συναίσθημα: Αναζωογονητικό – Επικοινωνιακό
Γεύση: Λουλούδια – Γλυκό – Δεντρολίβανο
Βοηθά με: Κατάθλιψη – Πόνο – Στρες
THCP: 10% THC: 0.2%


Green Leaves - Intensity 4


Green Leaves - Effects Placeholder

SKU: dry-sift-hash-thcp-10-1-i-3-i-5-grama Categories: , , Tags: , , Brand:


We are the leaders in Greece for providing the most potent and stunning flowers.

Discover the essence of beauty and strength with our exquisite flower collection in Greece. Each bloom is curated to enhance your surroundings and uplift your spirit.

Green Leaves®: Unleashing Nature's Vibrance

Our products stand out for their remarkable potency, offering unparalleled quality and effectiveness. Each item is meticulously crafted to deliver maximum impact, ensuring that you experience the best results with every use.

Lab-Tested Excellence: Guaranteed Quality and Safety

Our products undergo rigorous lab testing to ensure they meet the highest standards of quality and safety. Available upon request, each item is certified metal-free and tested in laboratories accredited with the highest ISO certifications. This meticulous process guarantees that you receive products that are not only safe but also of superior quality.

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